CommonLit Unlist Exclusive Opportunity: Join our CommonLit 360 Research Partnership

Unlock CommonLit's full instructional program for free through an exclusive research partnership with CommonLit

About CommonLit

CommonLit is a non-profit education technology organization offering a comprehensive literacy program with thousands of free reading lessons, a free full-year English Language Arts curriculum, benchmark assessments, and standards-based data for teachers.

About the Research Opportunity

In 2023-24, CommonLit is partnering with schools to grow our body of research and connect partners with additional free resources like our assessments, professional development, and comprehensive data tools. To participate, schools agree to use our CommonLit 360 ELA curriculum and allow us to study curriculum usage and reading achievement gains at the school.

We invite you to partner with us to receive these exclusive benefits and help us improve our resources for the over 30 million teachers and students using our platform nationwide!

Learn more about our ongoing research studies and growing evidence of effectiveness here.

Research Partnership Benefits

As a CommonLit Research Partner, the following benefits (typically priced at $6,500 per school) will be provided to you for free:

  • CommonLit Assessment Series,
  • On-Demand Professional Development,
  • Administrator Data Dashboards,
  • Unit Skills Assessments,
  • Priority Onboarding and Rostering Support,
  • Amazon gift cards for completing assessments and surveys, and more!

Partnership Requirements

For teachers:

  • Aim to incorporate at least 3 units throughout the school year
  • Administer the CommonLit Pre- and Post- Assessments
  • Administer the CommonLit Writing Baseline and Endline Assessment
  • Complete Beginning and End-of-Year teacher and student surveys

For administrators:

  • Sign a Data Sharing Agreement to share state and internal assessment data and student sub-group data
  • Complete Mid-Year and End-of-Year surveys

Don't miss out - get in touch with our team!

Book a time to meet with our team here or reach out to us at